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The number of people living with diabetes in the UK has soared by 59.8 per cent in a decade, according to a new analysis by Diabetes UK.

The new figures, extracted from official NHS data from the Quality and Outcomes Framework, 2004-05 to 2013-14, show that there are now 3,333,069 people diagnosed with diabetes, which is an increase of more than 1.2 million adults compared with 16 years ago when, in 2005, there were 2,086,041 people diagnosed with the condition. This doesn’t take into account the 590,000 adults estimated to have been undiagnosed with diabetes in 2013-2014.

Diabetes is a disease that seems to be on the increase!

May be an age thing but I notice more and more people I know that are being diagnosed with or have been dealing with Diabetes for a while. The recently diagnosed are experiencing the debilitating symptoms of being diabetic.   And most of these are active people who want to stay active. Tiredness seems to be an issue even with the top ups of Mars bars etc.

This made me want to see if there was anything that Melaleuca produce could possibly help these people.

Below are testimonials of people that have used Melaleuca products while managing diabetes .

This is not intended as a diagnosis or a medical trial its just  real peoples experience 

Customer Reviews of Melaleuca use with Diabetes 

More Energy

I have been a diabetic for 33 years and have been on an insulin pump for the past 5 years. I recently started using the Peak Performance pack, cell wise and the attain bars. Within the past 8 days I’ve had to lower my insulin doses twice. I was on a total of 24 units of insulin in a 24 hour period, and now I am down to 19.4 units in a 24 hour period.

This is great, because not only is my control of my diabetes getting better, but I am starting to feel so much better, and I have more energy. If you know people that have type 1 or 2 diabetes I would definitely share these products with them, it will definitely help improve their quality
of life with diabetes!

Need to Decrease his Insulin

I would like to share with you my husband’s story regarding Melaleuca and diabetes. Ron is a Type II diabetic. My husband has been a diabetic for 30 years. We found Melaleuca on recommendation from a friend. Due to this advise we immediately started taking the Peak Perfomance Pack.

He saw an immediate need to decrease his insulin. When they came out with the new upgraded Provex CV, we switched and again he lowered his insulin (he is VERY insulin resistant). A year ago we upped his dosage from 1/40 pounds of body weight to 1/30 pounds of body weight. AGAIN he had to decrease his insulin.

Overall, he has decreased his insulin usage by 40-50%

Other benefits – he is no longer getting water blisters on the shins of his legs. In the 4 1/2 since started using Melaleuca products we both have had only an occasional slight cold. We are both very grateful for the Melaleuca products.

I use the Renew lotion on his skin as dryness seems to be worse I was using a prescription lotion with lanolin. Its much better now.


GC Control.

My mum who has been diabetic for years with fasting sugars over 120. After 1 week on the supplements and GC control, her sugars are ranging between 55 and 75!

She had to reduce her meds!

Severe Diabetic Retinopathy

I have had diabetes for over 36 years, through the years I have developed a few of the complications with this condition. I have severe diabetic retinopathy in my eyes, when I was advised to go to the Mayo Clinic I was told they were not sure if they could save my sight. Other things started happening, such as my cholesterol level was high, my blood glucose levels were harder to control, plus the Doctor said I was showing signs of kidney damage.

My friend Patti asked if she could show me about some products she heard helped other diabetics, I hesitantly agreed to meet with her thinking it was going to be “one of those”. Patti and her friend Vicki came and showed me about a company called Melaleuca, the vitamins they offered and all the wonderful properties of the Melaleuca oil.

I first tried the oil and a few of the cleaning products. Using the oil in just a few different situations, I found it to heal various problems like athlete’s foot, a boil, burns, cuts etc, in just a short amount of time, this was very impressive as usually, I took longer to heal with this condition. I decided to try the vitamins to see if they were as good as they made them sound, as they had a 90 day guarantee so I could return them if they didn’t work for me. Within a month I really could feel the increased amount of energy, others could also tell that I felt better.

After the first year of taking the Peak Performance Pack my cholesterol was back to the normal range, my vision and my blood pressure improved, I did not have any bladder infection problems which had been a constant battle and I just felt better all around.

To shorten the story I now take on a daily basis:
ThePeak PerformancePack (love the new packets!),
Replenex, 2 to 3 per day and Nutraview 2 a day.

Since I started taking the Nutraview I have noticed an improvement in my night vision and the cataracts that I was told I might need to have removed in 6 months have not grown any larger. I was told at my last eye exam that my vision again has improved some

I have been using an insulin pump for 3 years now and use the liquid soap for cleaning the infusion injection site and the Renew Bath Oil when I remove the infusion to change the site and have had no problems with infections or healing.?

I use the Access bar before doing any strenuous exercise, which helps maintain my blood sugar and the Attain drinks and bars when I need a quick meal. We use many of the Melaleuca products through out our home now and would not be without them!
Jan Coon


My husband has diabetes. In addition to him eating properly, I have him on the Vitality Pak, Provex Plus, Provex CV, this is an important one, as you know diabetics usually don’t have great circulation and the Provex CV helps, I also have him on Prostavan, and Cell Wise. He goes to the doctors every 3 months for blood work and so far his has been right on the money. His doctors are impressed and so is he. He now only uses the Melaleuca products.


How these Products Have Changed My Life

I have been using the Melaleuca products for three years, and these products have changed my life. I want to share the different ways that these products have helped me, so possibly they can help you.

The first product that had an impact on me was the tooth polish. I was having a tarter problem with my teeth. One month after going to the dentist my teeth would have tarter on them. My dentist wanted me to come in every 3 months, but I did not want to go because I did not like the pain that took place when they scraped my teeth.  Due to using the Tooth Polish, Breath Away and the dental tape, I now go to the dentist once a year with very little plaque. My gums do not bleed and I can This not only keeps my teeth and gums clean, but is saves me a lot of money.

I did not use the vitamins at first as I thought that they cost too much and that the fructose compounded minerals in the vitamins would raise my blood sugar. We found that we were able to save money using the safe cleaning products so we decided to share the products with a few friends.

One of our friends was a biology teacher. My biology teacher friend asked me if I used the vitamins. I told him that I did not as I felt that they were too expensive and I was concerned about the fructose in them. Since our bodies are so mineral deficient, he felt that this delivery system, that is patented, could get the minerals into my cells. He did not feel that their could be too much fructose in them, which I found out that the amount of fructose in the daily recommended amount of vitamins was equivalent to eating one cherry.

I still resisted because of the cost, but then I could try them at no risk for 90 days. This meant that it would not cost me anything to try them as free is less expensive than cheap. In that first month on the program I started having insulin reactions and my blood sugars ran lower than they used to. I am on an insulin pump so it was easy for me to adjust my insulin intake, as I tested my blood sugars four times a day.

During this first month I was able to lower my need for insulin about 10%.  I started by taking 6 capsules a day for tissue saturation. This is when you take one Provex for each 25 pounds of body weight. I weigh 160 pounds so I took enough for 150 pounds. I started taking 6 capsules per day on Thursday and I had 3 insulin reactions on Saturday and 3 insulin reactions on Sunday. I reduced my insulin intake by another 10% and then I had good control again. I am now taking 8 units of insulin for breakfast instead of 10 units. Because of what happened to me, I would not encourage diabetics to take more than 2 Provex a day to start off with. I would then work up gradually to the saturation dose and adjust your insulin.  I can not believe that I have cut my insulin intake by 20%, and that I need less sleep and I over all feel better.

Melaleuca has helped me make it through some tough times in my life. Some of the other Melaleuca products that have really helped me are the Antibacterial Liquid Soap that I use to clean my site area for my insulin pump and I have never had an infection. I also use the soap to clean my hands before I test my blood four times a day. My fingers do not get dry because I don’t use the alcohol swabs. I use the T36 C5 on any cuts and especially on my feet as well as the Triple Antibiotic Ointment for healing. The Renew Skin Lotion is great for conditioning the skin of the feet.

My leg muscles used to burn all the time as I jog from 3 to 8 miles a day. By exercising my insulin seems to work better. I am now able to eat a whole Access Bar and when I run 5 miles, and my blood sugar will be the same at the end of my run.

I also use the Sustain or Attain for a snack and they take 2.5 units of insulin. These products taste great and they do not send my blood sugars sky high. These products have really enhanced my life. Before I got on the vitamins, I didn’t heal that well. I use have to put pressure on my finger for up to a minute to stop the bleeding when I tested my blood. Today I just wipe it off. I have recently started taking the Replenex every day and my insulin need has dropped another 5%.
John H

Increased Circulatory Benefits – A Personal Experience

Last spring I went to my 30 year high school reunion. One of my dearest friends walked like he had very tender feet. I asked him why he was walking so tender footed and he said, “Terrilee, my feet have been cold and in pain for years due to my diabetes.” He is a respiratory therapist and stands on his feet for 12 hours a day! I told him that I was going to send him three bottles from my wellness catalog and I wanted him to take 4 in the am and 4 in the pm – gift from me. Robbie is a very large man and that is why I started him on so much. I got a call a few days later and he said, “I have used the supplements for SIX DAYS and my feet are warm and not in pain for the first time in years.” If he forgets to take them then he is in pain. ProvexPlus opens the capillary circulation (which is very poor in diabetes) and therefore is powerful in helping move blood through the body.  Melaleuca has such a powerful catalog for diabetes because of the healing properties of the Melaleuca oil and the increased circulatory benefits through ProvexPlus. Share this with a Diabetic person!! They’ll be thanking you ! -Terrilee

Incredible Results All Round!

Finally last week the Doctor was able to pin point my ill health, it was actually good health. Since going on to the Melaleuca Peak Performance my body has not been this well, that combined with my weight loss and Access Bars, I was just very healthy. So why was I so ill, well my doctor did not believe that I could improve so quickly so I have been over-medicated for both my allergic rhyinitus and my diabetes.

This has made me very tired, and given my viral symptoms.
Finally 2 weeks ago I had a glucose feed tube test where my reaction to glucose was measured against my medication, I also had a HBC1 blood test. Well the ideal figure is under 7, but all diabetics are over 7 so we are given medication to bring us down to 7. My last reading was 11 in September so I was medicated to reduce this. My reading came back two weeks ago as 6.4! This is amazing, as I had stopped taking some of my medication because I kept passing out. An amazed Doctor wrote excellent on my chart for the first time in my life, after a week of the new drugs I am feeling like a new woman.

I have also had my allergy medication reduced.  So in telling the doctor of our long flight I asked if I should take aspirin as he had recommended in the past, NO he said what ever you are doing to your blood with that mela stuff keep doing it.

So after some 7 months of feeling really ill, I am back on track and well. Now do you think Melaleuca should put a health warning on their products to say ‘Beware this could make you well and you may need to reduce man made products with side affects if you use these products’ As an aside I have lost 51 lbs on Access Bars since October when they arrived and I look somewhat different to the time when I started using them.. If ever you need a product story on Access and the Daily 4 Life changing an English girls life then here it is.

Sue Mansfield, Kent, UK


I wanted to write and tell you about the difference that Melaleuca
supplements have made in my life. I am 32, and was diagnosed with
diabetes during my last pregnancy (2 years ago). I was in denial for
about 6 months (after our son was born), and did absolutely nothing for
my diabetes. I didn’t check my blood sugar, nor take insulin. Nothing.
I finally accepted the diagnosis and decided to do something about it.

I started taking my blood sugar, just to get a good idea of where it was
at. I was startled to find out that after only 6 months it was high,
averaging about 200. I then made an appointment with my doctor so she
could help me decide on my insulin doses. She noticed my blood sugars
were running around 200, depending upon what I had eaten and the amount
of exercise I had done. I started off with about 75 units of insulin a
day. I couldn’t take oral medications because I was breastfeeding my
son. I had a HBA1C of 7.7. Normal is 0-6.5. She said it was a bit
higher than the last one of 7.1, so she upped my dose of insulin to
between 80 and 100 units. I was feeling run down, and crabby, tired,
unable to sleep, always edgy, and felt terrible in general.

A good friend introduced me to Melaleuca in August of this year, and I
began taking the vitamins on September 1st. I was very skeptical, and was
SURE that Melaleuca would be giving me my money back in 90 days.  I didn’t notice any difference in the first two weeks, or
even three weeks. B

ut a few days after my 4th week started, I sat down
and took a good look at my blood sugar recording diary. I noticed that
I had not been taking any more than 40 units of insulin a day, down from
80-100. On occasion, I do have to use a bit more insulin in the
morning, once again depending upon my nighttime snack, and/or exercise.

My fasting blood sugar is now much closer to acceptable: 115-140, my
bedtime blood sugar has been running around 140, down from 200 only one
month before. I have noticed a huge increase in energy, I am able to
get to sleep and sleep longer, I am much more relaxed, and I generally
feel much better. I can attribute a lot of this to the Peak Performance
that I have been taking faithfully every day since September 1st. I
have also incorporated a short 30-minute walk into my morning routine.
I am sure this has something to do with my blood sugar results also.
Hopefully this will help someone you know.

Tammy Pearce


I am a 30 year insulin dependent type 1 diabetic. Currently, I use an insulin pump and Humalog insulin. I have high blood pressure, have had 2 heart attacks. Have had vision problems and serious neuropathy damage. When I review all of the procedures I have had over the last 15 years, it is frightening to say the least. Here is the list:

The following can be the result of many years of not understanding and not facing Sugar Diabetes:

1. Neuropathy of the feet and many surgeries treating infections including finally broken foot bones and many foot ulcers.

2. Amputation of three fingers on my left hand due to staff infections and poor blood sugar control.

3. Many, many laser surgeries for hemorrhaging of the eyes and finally vitrectomys
completed in each eye. This has been very successful for stopping the hemorrhaging.

4. Left leg amputated below the left knee due to unsuccessful healing of the foot and neuropathy. I walk with a prosthetic leg.

5. Triple by-pass heart surgery.

6. Fighting infections with every cut, scrap or blister potentially turning into an ulcer.

The Melaleuca oil is the best daily medication I use for protection and fighting infection. I have saved thousands of dollars from the cost of conventional wound centers by using Melaleuca oil. This is a must for diabetics. I also experience tremendously dry skin and have caused many ulcers to form due to callus and cracking. The Renew skin lotion does the trick. I appreciate your efforts in teaching about diabetics and cardiovascular care. Melaleuca is the preventative measure along with diet and exercise. I have learned though, I have to take responsibility of my diabetes. I used to think that my doctor always could medicate my problems.

My height is 6’1″ and I weigh 212. I am working on reducing my weight to 185.

Jim B


For The First Time He Was Given the Same Life Insurance Rate as Non-Diabetics.

The following is a case of a male diabetic who is approximately 46 years of age, he has never been over weight, and he has a good diet and is self-employed and owns a physical therapy clinic. He has been taking insulin by injection for over 14 years. I explained to him the importance of anti-oxidants, the mineral chromium and the herbal extract ginko biloba on glucose metabolism. For diabetics the less insulin that they have to use to lower their blood sugar levels the better. This also holds true for everyone. The amount of sugar in your blood is a result of what you eat. According to Dr. Simeon Margolis, M. D., Ph. D. , professor of medicine and biological chemistry Johns HopkinsMedical School, high blood insulin levels can put people at risk for high blood pressure and heart disease. High blood insulin hastens the development of arteriosclerosis and enhances the formation of blood clots causing a stroke or heart attack.

Keep in mind that sucrose or white table sugar triggers the release of insulin from the pancreas. Insulin helps transport sugars from the blood stream into the cells where it can be used for energy. Even though the sugar is utilized rather quickly, insulin continues to circulate in the blood for hours. Insulin helps to promote the deposition of fats and cholesterol into the walls of arteries according to the British Medical Journal, (Lancet 87; 1:1077-1079) and the journal (Prog. Cardiovascular Disease. 84;26:355-372. )

After explaining to my friend the importance of various nutrients that are known to help decrease insulin requirements, I convinced him to try the Vitality Pack and the Provex CV. If he did not notice a difference in his insulin requirements and didn’t feel better overall, then he could return these products for a full refund. The only stipulation was that he be consistent with the daily-recommended dosages and that he CHECK HIS BLOOD GLUCOSE at least 2 to 3 times per day.

After 30 days I called and asked him what he had experienced. He was very pleased and informed me that his blood glucose level has never been this stable and consistent. He also felt better and his wife stated that he was much easier to get along with! He agreed to set-up an account and wanted to start buying Melaleuca products for himself, his home and for his clinic. Two weeks ago he informed me that he applied for life insurance again, and for the first time he was given the same rate as non-diabetics. Needless to say, he now feels that it is time to start telling a few more of his friends and patients about these products that have helped him.

Melaleuca, has products that can help people. If their products were not effective then they would not still be in business.

I realize that most people are skeptical and that is to be expected, but when you can solve some ones problem, then they will be more willing to listen.

1. One of reason for the success in this case is due to the fact that the patented fructose chelated minerals that are pre-bonded to the fructose molecule. Most minerals in supplemental form are poorly absorbed. The fructose minerals in the Vitality Pak have a high rate of absorption allowing them to enter the cell. Considering the fact that fructose is a carbohydrate, and under normal circumstances carbohydrates are seldom eliminated in the urine. Carbohydrates are used for fuel in the form of glucose, converted to glycogen for future fuel reserves or converted to fat. When the diabetic is able to absorb the mineral chromium, studies have shown that chromium will decrease fasting blood sugar levels, improve glucose tolerance, lower insulin levels, land decrease total cholesterol and fat levels, while increasing HDL cholesterol. (JAMA 1995; 73:1849-1854)

2. The anti-oxidant benefits from the Provex CV, which is a super anti-oxidant, helps to reduce further diabetic complications that result from free radicals damaging the beta cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. Flavonoids, like grape seed, grape skin, bilberry, ginko biloba and especially quercitin, promote insulin secretion and inhibit the accumulation of sorbitol in the tissues and blood.

Unfortunately we are surrounded by toxins everywhere.  They silently poison our lives and are contributing to a multitude of modern day illnesses. Fear not they can be avoided!

Dr. Brogan boarded in Psychiatry/Psychosomatic Medicine/Reproductive Psychiatry and Integrative Holistic Medicine says :

Basic lifestyle interventions can facilitate the body’s powerful self-healing mechanisms to end depression: dietary modifications (more healthy fats and less sugar, dairy, and gluten); dietary modifications (more healthy fats and less sugar, dairy, and gluten); natural supplements like B vitamins and probiotics that don’t require a prescription and can even be delivered through certain foods; minimizing exposures to biology-disrupting toxicants like fluoride in tap water, chemicals in common drugs like Tylenol and statins, and fragrances in cosmetics; harnessing the power of sufficient sleep and physical movement; and behavioral techniques aimed at promoting the relaxation response. I’ve seen people  transformed in a little as 30 days. Dare to be one of them! ”

Please take a few minutes to watch this short video.

If this is something that interests you get in touch using the email form under the video and I will help you detox your home by making some easy consumer choices. Money isn’t everything but this can be an income generator!  Get in touch

solumel-duoThis is a collection of useful information and tips compiled by individuals re: many uses for one of Melaleuca‘s favourite products: Sol-U-Mel.  

It is a 3-in-1 super cleaner:

1) Stain Remover

2) Air Deodoriser

3) Cleaning Booster.

It cleans and dissolves previously impossible stains. You can add Sol-U-Mel to other Melaleuca cleaners as an extender or cleaning booster and it is a wonderful deodoriser, air freshener and much more.

Used full strength, Sol-U-Mel has the highest concentration of Melaleuca Oil over any of Melaleuca’s other cleaners.

Sol-U-Mel can remove even stubborn oil stains, crayon, chewing gum and ink.

Dilute it with water for an all-purpose, ready-to-use cleaner, deodoriser, air freshener and more.
When you clean with Sol-U-Mel, the fragrance of Melaleuca Oil neutralises lingering smells around the house.

There is also lemon blossom scented Sol-U-Mel that has a nice citrus scent too.

For deep odours like smoke, mildew, or pets dilute Sol-U-Mel in warm water. The gold solution will turn milky white as you add warm water. The warm water allows the oil to mix better into the sprayer.

Spray it into the air, on carpets or upholstery.

Spray into closets and corners to eliminate any stale or foul odours.

What is Sol-U-Mel?

The Wonder from Down Under!

What it’s NOT is even more amazing! No caustic chemicals!

It is comprised entirely of naturally derived ingredients, including the highest concentration of Melaleuca Oil available and the stain-cutting ingredients in it come from renewable resources that are biodegradable. Among its many attributes, it is the most effective cleaner on the market and fills an entirely new cleaning niche. You’ll find here that it’s used for many more functions than just cleaning!

AROUND THE HOUSEsolumelcarpet
1.  Gummy labels, chewing gum, tape, tar, tree sap, sticky residue etc.
– use Sol-U-Mel full strength as an effective solvent to remove any sticky stuff, even on vehicles!
Mini-blinds — Mix 2 tablespoons of Tough & Tender and 1 capful of Sol-U-Mel with 16 oz. of water to cut through the grimy dirt on blinds.

2.  Wallpaper Removal

– in a 16 oz spray bottle, mix 1 teaspoon Sol-U-Mel to 1 teaspoon of Tough & Tender, fill with water. Spray area to help soften wallpaper for easier removal.
Kitchen Odours – in a 16 oz spray bottle, add 1/3 cup Sol-U-Mel and fill with water. Spray cutting boards, counter tops to eliminate onion, fish and other odours. This will also kill any germs as well. For extra safety, follow up with Soluguard Botanical Spray.

3.  Mould & Mildew

– Mix 2 1/2 tablespoons of MelaMagic and 1 1/2 capfuls of Sol-U-Mel with water in a 16 oz. spray bottle. Spray on surfaces like the shower curtain and let sit for a few minutes. Wipe clean with a damp cloth.solumekl

4.  Furnace Filter/Air Purification
– The quality of the air you breathe in your home may be robbing you of good health. Modern, energy efficient homes, by virtue of their air tight design, often trap chemical vapours in addition to mold, fungus, yeast and bacteria from moist condensation in heating and cooling ducts, soil from house plants and under sink areas. There is a literal zoo cohabiting our homes. Many respiratory, eye, ear, nose and throat complaints appear in doctors waiting rooms because of over exposure to foul household air. Changes of season often shift populations of these microbial species as growing conditions fluctuate. The out gassing of toxic vapours from these situations significantly decrease air quality.

What can you do? Replace toxic cleaning and personal care products with safer Melaleuca products. Remove browning leaves from house plants immediately and provide good drainage. Change furnace and cooling air return filters monthly during extreme weather usage.

Spray all filters and vents often with diluted Sol-U-Mel. To do a Melaleuca oil purge of your house every couple of months, attach an inverted open bottle of T36-C5 Oil on the furnace intake filter. The high air volume will diffuse the entire contents of the bottle throughout your house over the next 12 -36 hours (depending upon temperature and relative humidity). This treated air flows throughout all the rooms and stops the growth of bacteria, moulds, fungus and viruses.

5.  Plants
– Add 1 tablespoon of Tough & Tender to 16 oz. of water, or use diluted Sol-U-Mel. Spray on roses to kill aphids and other undesirables. Sol-U-Mel will also clean moss or algae off your clay pots.

6.  Carpet Cleaning
– Mix 1/4 cup of PreSpot plus 1/2 cup MelaMagic and 1 tablespoon of Sol-U-Mel. Pour solution into the tray of the carpet cleaner. Another recipe: Mix 1/2 cup Tough & Tender, 1/16 cup of MelaMagic, and 1/8 cup Sol-U-Mel in 1 gallon of water.

7.  Carpet Deodorisation
– Mix 1 1/2 capfuls of Sol-U-Mel with water in l6 oz. spray bottle. Lightly spray carpet with diluted Sol-U-Mel, let sit for 5 minutes and vacuum as usual.


8.  For dingy whites try this Whiter-than-White Laundry Recipe:
1/4 Cup Sol-U-Mel, 1/2 Cup MelaMagic, 1/2 Cup MelaBrite, 2/3 Cup DiamondBrite (yes the dishwasher product!) Mixture makes 16 oz. Place in a 16 oz. Sol-U-Mel bottle. Add 1 1/2 oz for a whiter-than-white load (makes 10 uses)

9.  Bleach alternative
– 16 oz of PreSpot, 1/4 Cup Tub & Tile, 1/4 Cup MelaMagic, 3/4 Cup DiamondBrite, 4 oz Sol-U-Mel in empty 32 oz bottle. Add water to fill, then shake well and use ¼ cup per load.

10.  Laundry booster
– Add 1 capful of Sol-U-Mel and 2-4 capfuls of MelaMagic to an average wash load to deodorise and disinfect.

11.  Whiten and deodorise
– add either MelaBrite or 1 capful of Sol-U-Mel to MelaPower. Sol-U-Mel added to MelaPower will also deodorise clothing. For extra germ protection or for mildewed clothes add 1 capful of  Sol-U-Mel to your wash.
(One day I opened a load of clothes in the dryer and there was melted crayon all over the clothes. The entire dryer tub was stained with crayon. I applied diluted Sol-U-Mel to each clothing stain allowing it to soak in & then washed it all with MelaPower. While the clothes washed I cleaned out the dryer with Sol-U-Mel. Not only did all traces of the crayon leave the clothing, but the dryer looked brand new again!)

12.  Oil Based Stains
– Use Sol-U-Mel full strength on fabrics. Great to lift paint stains too!

13.  Degreaser
– Mix a solution of 2 tablespoons of MelaPower and 1 capful of Sol-U-Mel with 2 gallons of warm water. Put clothing in this solution and let soak for a few hours. If the grease spots are not dissolved, apply a squirt of Antibacterial Liquid Soap. Rub in and let stand for a few minutes before rinsing with warm water. You can also add MelaMagic directly to the wash water in the machine.

14.  Spot Remover
– Apply Sol-U-Mel full strength to spot, rub then rinse & wash as normal.

15.  Ink Stains
– A friend asked if we had anything that would get ink out of clothing. A pen in a shirt pocket had gone through the washer and dryer leaving ink all over the clothes. Without missing a beat, I grabbed my Sol-U-Mel, sprayed the shirt that had ink all over it & I started dabbing it with a wash cloth. It started coming out like a breeze. One thing, make sure you have a cloth behind where you are working so the ink doesn’t bleed through as the Sol-U-Mel dissolves it.

16.  Cloth diapers
– Combine 1 oz. of Sol-U-Mel, 1/2 oz of MelaPower & 1/2 oz MelaBrite. Add sufficient water to cover soiled diapers to soak overnight. Then wash with MelaPower and 1 oz. Sol-U-Mel in washing machine (PreSpot stained areas). They will come out whiter, brighter and exceptionally fresh smelling with this method. *For those parents who use disposable diapers, spray diluted Sol-U-Mel mixture in garbage pail to deodorise and disinfect.

17.  Toys
– Washable toys such as stuffed animals, dolls, blankets etc., wash in machine with 1/8 cup of MelaPower and 1 capful of Sol-U-Mel. For all plastic toys etc., wash in a sink full of hot water mixed with 1 capful of Tough & Tender and Sol-U-Mel to clean and disinfect.


18.  Sol-U-Mel is wonderful at getting odours out of practically anything, even plastic. Mix lemon blossom Sol-U-Mel according to directions on spray bottle with water and use it to neutralise odours around the home. Pet odours, mildew, deep smoke smells and many others will be replaced by a crisp citrus fragrance. This solution can be sprayed on fabrics or in the air. (Original Sol-U-Mel also neutralises odours without leaving a citrus fragrance.)

19.  Cars/Trucks
– My husband bought a used truck & the previous owners smoked. I sprayed Sol-U-Mel all over inside. Once it dried the odor was gone.

20.  Refrigerator
– Spritz a bit of Sol-U-Mel in the refrigerator now and then to keep it smelling fresh.

21.  Coolers
– Sol-U-Mel will remove even the worst old food odours from food coolers also.

22.  Burn Odours
– Burned food odours are quickly eliminated by spraying diluted Sol-U-Mel in the room area.
Second-hand cigarette smoke a problem? Spray Sol-U-Mel to deodorise a smoke filled room and directly on clothes to remove cigarette orders.


23.  Bathing
– add 1 capful of Sol-U-Mel to bath water as an initial therapy for dry skin, rashes, dermatitis, diaper rash etc. Helps soothe and soften the skin.

24.  Hot Tubs
– Melaleuca products, including T36-C5 Oil, Renew Bath Oil or Sol-U-Mel should NOT be used in an operating tub or permanent Jacuzzi tub. Melaleuca alternifolia oil is not compatible with the filtration system in these sophisticated environments. You can use Sol-U-Mel, Tub & Tile etc. in cleaning the walls of a dry tub, but not when the system is filled.

25.  Vaporizer/Humidifier
– Add 1 tablespoon of Sol-U-Mel to water in a vaporiser (or use a bowl of boiling water). Make a tent by draping a large towel over the head and breathe directly over the vapours for 10 minutes, twice daily. Sleep in a room with a vaporizer running all night. This also helps to clean and purify the air. A cold mist humidifier can also be used. This remedy is also effective for bronchitis and asthma.

26.  Insect Relief
– Mix a few drops of T36-C5 Oil and 1 capful of Sol-U-Mel diluted with water in a trigger sprayer. Spray onto clothes, skin and outdoor areas as a safe and effective repellent.

Another Insect Repellent recipe: 1 teaspoon of Tough & Tender with a capful of Sol-U-Mel and I capful of Renew Spa & Bath Oil diluted with water in a trigger sprayer.

27.  Skin Rashes or Infections
– Bathe with one ounce Sol-U-Mel added to bathwater; drink three to four cups G’Day Melaleuca Tea (hot or iced) daily.

28.  Warts
– Apply T36-C5 to the wart morning and night. Soak in solution of one to two capfuls of Sol-UMel  in one cup warm water for 20 minutes. Most types of warts respond to this treatment.

29.  Sore Throat
-Drink plenty of hot G’Day Melaleuca Tea. Also inhale vaporiser steam with 2 capfuls Sol-U-Mel and 10 drops T36-C5 added. Swab the back of your throat with straight Melaleuca Oil or dip swab in the Melaleuca mouthwash then add the oil – it kills strep and takes out the sting.

30.  Cough or Chest congestion
-same as above. Plus if you have a cold coming on you can put a few drops in your humidifier and voila, your cold symptoms will be gone by morning!

31.  Respiratory problems or flu
– Same thing with this treatment also gives relief when your nose and throat are affected by hay fever, dust or pollen.

32.  Allergies & Sinus problems
– Place Sol-U-Mel full strength to the sides and base of the nose 2 to 3 times in a row as you inhale deeply through the nose. Spray Sol-U-Mel onto a clean dry wash cloth and place it over the nose and mouth and breathe in through it.

33.  Sinus congestion
– dab T36-C5 directly under each nostril. Breathe the enriched steam from a vaporiser or a bowl of very hot water morning and night, adding 10 drops of T36-C5 and 2 capfuls Sol-U-Mel to the water. Form a tent over your head and the vapoursizer, breathe in the aromatic vapors keeping eyes closed. You can run the vapourizer with this solution all night.

34.  Dermatitis
– Along with changing the way you clean your home and wash clothes (switching to EcoSense products) you can soak daily in a warm bath with one ounce Sol-U-Mel and one ounce Renew Bath Oil added to the water.

35.  Hives
– Add three more ounces of each and bathe as above.

36.  Ringworm
– bathe in one ounce Sol-U-Mel with one ounce Renew Bath Oil® in tub. Use the Gold Bar, Platinum Bar or the Liquid Soap on a washcloth and clean well.

37.  Cuts
-Clean a cut with warm water and Sol-U-Mel. Wounds that are open or are healing are greatly helped by rinsing daily with one ounce Sol-U-Mel in a pint of water.

38.  Bedsores
– Combine equal parts Sol-U-Mel and Renew Bath Oil put some on a warm, dampened cloth and hold in place for several minutes. Repeat. Dry area and apply T36-C5 and Renew Skin Lotion.

39.  Earwax
– To clean excess or impacted wax from the ear canal, apply one drop of T36-C5 and one drop of Sol-U-Mel to a small piece of cotton, which has been pulled and twisted to a point. Insert the soaked point in the ear ove8rnight. The next morning, remove the cotton and fill a rubber baby syringe with one teaspoon or Sol-U-Mel in 8 oz. water heated to body temperature. Hold the syringe toward the side of the canal just inside the ear opening, leaving a space for the water to swish back out. Squeeze a firm stream of water into the ear canal several times to melt and dislodge the wax.

40.  Head lice
– Our daughter recently had a case of head lice and decided to see what Melaleuca products could do. We were out of oil and decided to try what we had. We sprayed her head with Sol-U-Mel and then shampooed with Melaleuca original shampoo then  let it sit for about 10 minutes and rinsed. The gross little buggers were floating in the tub. We then took a nit comb through her hair and the eggs came out easily. This was such a relief to use something that wasn’t burning my child’s scalp. AND IT WORKED! Thank you, Melaleuca.

41.  Shingles
– (painful skin blisters) can be helped by adding two ounces Renew Bath Oil and two ounces Sol-U-Mel to your bath.

42.  Asthma
-Soothe asthma conditions and get relief by adding 10 drops T36-5 and 2 capfuls Sol-U-Mel to water in a humidifier or vaporizer.

43.  Bunions – soak the foot in one ounce Sol-U-Mel and two tablespoons of Epsom salts in a quart of hot water.

44.  Ingrown toenails
– you’ll want to first soak the foot in hot water with one ounce Sol-U-Mel added. Then apply the T36-C5 oil and Mela-Gel.

45.  Allergic reactions –  I have a friend who had a reaction to her new insulin. She soaked in a hot bath with Sol-UMel and then Renew Bath Oil and the next day it was almost gone. It stopped the itching right away.

46.  Itchy body, jock itch, groin, etc.
– Bathe with one ounce Sol-U-Mel and 1oz Renew Bath Oil


47.  Fleas
– For general protection, wash all bedding in washing machine with 2 capfuls of Sol-U-Mel and 1/8 cup MelaPower. Add 2 oz. of Sol-U-Mel to 16oz of water in trigger sprayer and apply to areas where dog or cat rests to repel fleas and deodorize. Sol-U-Guard Botanical works well too because the herb Thyme (the main ingredient) kills fleas.

48.  Fleas & Ticks
– Sol-U-Mel for de-fleaing and de-ticking animals. It works great! I used it first on a cat that had a flea infestation like I’ve never seen before or since. I’ve never found anything that kills fleas immediately like it does. I make a dip and a spray out of it and use it frequently on my cats and my dogs.

49.  Fly Repellent (Livestock)
– Mix 2 oz. of Sol-U-Mel with 16 oz. of water. Spray directly on the animal.

50.  Hamsters, Gerbils, Guinea Pigs
– To control odor in or around a small animal cages or to prevent communicable diseases, dab T36-C5 or spray a 1:20 diluted solution of Sol-U-Mel to the area 2 or 3 times each week.

51.  Parakeets, Canaries or Tropical Birds
– To prevent diseases among birds, use a 1:100 dilution of Sol-U-Mel sprayed once per week to the absorbent fodder material on the bottom of the cage. Spray each time the fodder is changed. WARNING! Some exotic birds are sensitive to the aromatic oils in T36-C5.

52.  Rabbits
– To clean their cage, mix 2 oz. of Sol-U-Mel with 16 oz. of water. Spray on cage and on the bottom tray to clean and deodorize. Scrub clean with brush. Rinse with water.

53.  Shiny Coats and more
– For a beautiful, shiny coat for your dogs, cats, horses, and other animals, add one Tbls Sol-U-Mel to their bath water. (It also kills any fleas and ticks so your pet stays bug free.) Spray directly on your dog to remove that “doggy odor”.

54.  Carpets
– I also saturate my carpets in Sol-U-Mel spray (I bought a weed type sprayer so it takes less time to spray inside the house) and have no fleas anywhere at all!

55.  Wound Care
– We live in the mountains and our dogs often come home a little “beat up” from tangles with bears and wild hogs. I’ve always used a wound care salve from a local store with okay results. I did some reading and research and decided to try the Sol-U-Mel diluted on one of their cuts. It worked wonderfully. It also costs less than what I was using.

56.  Unpleasant Odors
– I wouldn’t believe it if I hadn’t actually tried it. We have a little animal friend who takes a stroll across our backyard every evening. When I went out one summer night, I could smell him. I got my diluted Sol-U-Mel and sprayed four or five times outside around my back balcony. I was amazed when I got back home 30 minutes later. The smell was gone. Sol-U-Mel is truly a great product. If it can get rid of skunk smell, it can get rid of any unpleasant odors!

I spray Sol-U-Mel in my cat box and stir it around to keep the litter smelling fresh. I had a new neighbor visiting us and she didn’t even know I had a cat! There was no smell and the cat box actually sits out in the front part of my house.

57.  Cat urine
-Sol-U-Mel is one of my favorite products. We own a rental property and some tenants had eight cats and a black lab puppy. Needless to say we had cat urine everywhere. After ripping up all the carpets and re-sanding the wood floors, the smell was still terrible and unbearable. Sol-U-Mel was the only product that killed the smell. Thank you, Melaleuca, for having this great product that has so many uses.

58.  Horses, Cattle, Goats, etc. – Keep flies away by spraying animals with diluted Sol-U-Mel. I also have llamas and have used Sol-U-Mel on the females for chapping armpits. It worked great.


59.  Spraying Sol-U-Mel in the yard is an excellent way to kill bugs, fleas, mosquitoes and ticks. When outdoors, spray clothing with diluted Sol-U-Mel to help ward off insects, whether hiking, camping, picnicking or just hanging out in your own backyard.

60.  Summer Bugs, Flies and Mosquitoes
– ruining your outdoor get-togethers? Spray the air around your patio with diluted Sol-U-Mel (two tablespoons with 16 oz. water). A little Sol-U-Mel sprayed around the outside rims of doors helps keep away mosquitoes where they love to congregate overnight as well.

61.  Insect Repellent
– Box Elder bugs are small, annoying, flat, mostly black bugs with some orange. They can fly and they multiply like crazy. In the summer the sides of our sheds and house have been covered with them. Everything we tried on them didn’t work until Sol-U-Mel! Now those little devils don’t stand a chance! One spray and its toes up! You can bet come next spring my orders will include Sol-U-Mel each month so I can get the offspring I didn’t get this last summer!

– Keep a mixture of diluted Sol-U-Mel® with a few drops T36-C5 added to spray pesky ants from unwanted areas. PreSpot also works well and is one of the best ant killers you will ever get your hands on.

62.  Spiders
-Live in an area with a lot of pine trees and bushes around? A time of the year when there’s a lot of webs flying around with the little spider all clustered up? They land on the patio furniture, the side of the house, planters, everywhere. They look like a bunch of shiny pin heads. If you touch them, they scatter in all directions, and eventually reform the cluster. Of course, all these little buggers eventually turn into big ugly spiders. I tried zapping them with other products but they just scattered. Well, diluted Sol-U-Mel does it! I hold a paper towel under the cluster, spray with Sol-U-Mel and grab the whole dead/stunned bunch in the towel. This works with horseflies, mosquitoes and all bugs in general.

-Gum – Pour full strength Sol-U-Mel on the gum area. Let set a minute, then rub to loosen the gum, and wash the item in MelaPower if possible.  On car seats or furniture – I took an old towel, put a little Sol-U-Mel (undiluted) in the corner and lightly dabbed and wiped the gum, and amazingly it came right off.

64.  Bandage residue
-Sol-U-Mel works easily to get rid of Bandage residue on skin.  Use it to take off that annoying sticky residue left from labels and price tags.

65.  Superglue
-Ever use Superglue and have your fingers stick to each other? Use a little Sol-U-Mel between fingers to dissolve the glue.

66.  Mold
-Dr. George Graham, a microbiologist in Knoxville, TN, has a business of getting rid of black mold and all kinds of mold. He uses Sol-U-Mel, and Sol-U-Mel with Tough & Tender. His web site is: He claims that chlorine does not kill mold. Sol-U-Mel does.
Bathrooms with mold and mildew on the walls and ceiling above the shower – I have found that Sol-UMel works great. It is effective in killing the mold and mildew and is non-toxic to humans or pets. Since it’s in concentrated form you don’t pay for water and packaging!
Spray Sol-U-Mel in the air to kill the mold spores in the air. I use just 2 caps to 16oz water. I save the 16oz Sol-U-Mel bottles and put the sprayer from the foot spray on it, and it makes a nice mist. Just spray in the room. I know that it works because my husband doesn’t sneeze as much.

67.  Wallpaper Remover
Removing wallpaper from walls is a cinch. I use diluted Sol-U-Mel, spray it on and let it soak in. Using a scraper, I lightly scrape the wallpaper and paste off the walls; it practically falls off!

Nothing measures up to the superior cleaning power of Sol-UMel, whether you use it diluted with water or full strength for tough jobs. Just one use and you‘ll throw out all of your other stain cleaners! Works on stainless, marble and granite too. DO NOT USE SOL-U-GUARD ON NATURAL STONE OR GRANITE. THE CITRIC ACID WILL ETCH IT!

These are great tips for cleaning your sink:

68.  Spray Sol-U-Mel in sink & sprinkle with salt. Let set and then use no-scratch scrubber like Scotch Brite.

69. Mix 4 tablespoons Tub & Tile and one capful of Sol-U-Mel with 16 ounces water in spray bottle.  Spray sink and wipe with damp rag. (For rust stains or mineral deposits, use Tub & Tile full strength.

70. Use one capful Sol-U-Mel with a little MelaBrite. Let set and wipe with rag or no-scratch scrubber.

71.  Kitchen counters and appliances
– Add 3 ounces Sol-U-Mel to water in a spray bottle. Spray on counter and let set a few minutes. Wipe clean with damp cloth. This also kills any germs that may be on the counter or appliance.

72.  Garbage Disposals
-Get in the habit of pouring a little Sol-U-Mel down your garbage disposal to keep it clean, sanitized and fresh smelling.

73.  Furniture, both the upholstery as well as the wood.

-Use diluted cleaner to freshen upholstery and remove stains from wood.

74.  Oven
– Forget about those horrible and dangerous fumes that you have to deal with when cleaning your oven because you’ll now be able to do this task with your Sol-U-Mel.

75.  Shower curtains
– clean shower curtains with a mix of 2 1/2 tablespoons of MelaMagic and 1 1/2 caps full of Sol-U-Mel with water in a 16 ounce spray bottle. Spray on curtain and let set a few minutes, then wipe clean with a damp cloth. You can add it to Tough & Tender and really boost its disinfecting properties.

76.  Greasy stains
– use Sol-U-Mel. It’s great for getting out grease on clothes, carpets, off concrete, etc.

77.  Mop Floors
– Mix two tablespoons MelaMagic and one capful Sol-U-Mel with 16oz water.  You can keep this in a spray bottle or mix in a bucket. Spray or wipe on floor and mop up.

78.  stainless steel dishes
– mix one tablespoon Sol-U-Mel with one tablespoon Tough & Tender and two Tbls DiamondBrite Gel with a gallon of water. Scrub with a Scotch Brite type scrubber. It works great!

79.  Garbage or diaper pails
-Spray it in diaper pails and garbage cans to freshen, deodorize and kill germs and bacteria.

80.  Vacuum cleaners
-It’s great to spray on the vacuum brushes of your vacuum cleaner and can also be sprayed in the vacuum bag itself to keep it smelling fresh.

81.  Handset and Cell phone cleaner
-Clean and disinfect your telephone (handset) with diluted Sol-U-Mel. Just spray and wipe.

82.  Oil Spills
-My refrigerator went kaput last weekend and we discovered that the condenser had been dripping oil underneath for, I assume, a long time. It had grown. I took diluted Sol-U-Mel and sprayed it and there was an instant dissolving of the top layer. I put my 10 year old to work on the spot with a roll of paper towels and the sprayer. By the time I came home with the new fridge, the spot was long gone.

83.  Melted plastic

-My most recent success with Sol-U-Mel is taking a melted bread bag off my hot cooking sheet.
84.  De-grease appliances
-It is perfect for cleaning ventilator hoods; it degreases them beautifully.  For tough caked on grease add a little Mela Magic.

85.  Was remover
-It takes off wax from fabric, plastic or glass.

After a fun evening with friends, I found that a couple of my candles had been knocked over. Wax had sprayed all over my beautiful glass coffee table. I scraped off the large drops of wax, and then poured Sol-U-Mel directly on the smeared wax, and the residue just wiped away!

86.  Infections
-I love Sol-U-Mel! I have it in the bathroom in a little fancy canning jar with a lid. I use it on a cotton swab dipped in it and apply it to fungus on my toe nail; acne; earring infections and healing piercing (works especially well on cartilage).

87.  Bathroom spray
-I use it in a “pumper”- (a nonaerosol pump) mixing two teaspoons of Sol-U-Mel with water. The kids love that “fresh” smell and it kills the odors in the bathroom. Great for removing the odor when you burn something!

88.  Linen freshener
-Spray it on your pillows.

89.  Dust Mites and bed bugs
-Spray it on and under your mattress to get rid of dust mites.  Spray it on hotel mattresses too!

90.  Scuff marks
-Sol-U-Mel takes scuff marks off linoleum.

91.  Permanent marker remover
-Markercomes off many surfaces such as floors, wood, tile, vinyl, leather, etc. with a little Sol-U-Mel

92.  Air Conditioner filters
-Use Sol-U-Mel to spray on your air conditioning filters every time you change them or clean them because it kills mold on contact. Then run the air conditioner or heater to get the Sol-U-Mel throughout their system, and to kill the mold and other harmful bacteria. Be sure to regularly spray it on all your air conditioning / heating vents too.

93.   Wood furniture stain remover
-For tough stains on wood furniture, use 1 tablespoon Sol-U-Mel in a gallon of water. Rub with rag and towel dry. Protect the finish with Rustic Touch.

94.  Carpet Stains
-Try Sol-U-Mel full strength or diluted on tough carpet stains. It will even take out rust stains on carpet that professional carpet cleaners can‘t get out.

95.  Deodorizing
-Lightly spray carpets with diluted Sol-U-Mel before vacuuming. For sweepers that run with water; add one teaspoon to the water and it will refresh the air in your home while it cleans.
For spot treating: Mix 1-2 capfuls Sol-U-Mel with water in spray bottle. Spray on carpet and let set 5 minutes. Clean with a scrub brush. Blot with damp cloth.

96.  Clay or Play Dough
– Sol-U-Mel goes to work immediately and cleans it out of the carpet.
We used Sol-U-Mel to take out some imbedded blue dye on our ivory carpet which had “bled” from the fur of a stuffed toy animal.

97.  Carpet Cleaner (machine solution)
-According to the Melaleuca Wellness Guide this is a great carpet cleaner-machine mix: 1/2 C MelaPower, ¼ C MelaMagic, 2 caps Sol-U-Mel in 3 gallons of water. There are a couple of alternative mixes as well, using combinations of Tough & Tender and Pre-Spot Plus along with the ingredients above.

98.  Black Tar
-I had been working on patching a freeway and we were using thick, tar-like oil. I came home from work, forgot to take off my boots, and tracked black tar through the house. Mom tried several cleaning products. They didn’t even phase the tar and it sat on the carpet for a month. When we got some Sol-U-Mel, I asked her to try it. She poured a capful on each spot and let it soak for a few minutes, then put some on an old towel to rub with. It removed all the tar. I was out of trouble and no damage to the carpet.

99.  Nail Polish remover
-We had a dark pink nail polish spill on our carpet. We’d used nail polish remover at that time and it didn’t help. When we got the Sol-U-Mel we tried it and 95% or more of the polish stain came out – after two years!

One morning, I heard my daughter crying upstairs. I found that she had broken an entire bottle of nail polish on our light-colored carpet. I quickly got some rags and the Sol-U-Mel, but I was skeptical about being able to clean up the mess. Much to my surprise, all of the nail polish came out the carpet!

100.  Removes mildew odor in carpets

101.  Travel
Take Sol-U-Mel with you on trips. Spray it in your hotel room and on the air intake or fan areas, pillow and sheets and bed spreads. You’ll love how it freshens and deodorizes (kills germs too)!

102.  Cars
Sol-U-Mel will help with tar on cars. Soak a cloth with it and wipe affected area. This should dissolve the tar right away.

You can also try adding a capful Sol-U-Mel with some Pre Spot to remove bugs and tar from automobiles. Remove old bumper stickers by applying full strength Sol-U-Mel and let it soak for a few minutes. Repeat if necessary.

Several months ago, my wife noticed some whitish spots on the hood of her green van. Further inspection revealed that they were actually small spots of concrete. She tried several products to remove it with no results. She then tried Sol-U-Mel. Much to her joy, the concrete all came off! Sol-U-Mel is truly an excellent product.

Sol-U-Mel works great as a paintbrush cleaner. We’ve tried it on latex paint (oil based paint would probably work fine too) and cleanup is a snap. Add a small amount to container of water, thoroughly swish paintbrush in this, rinse and dry. Bristles will be soft, clean and conditioned.

My neighbor had Christmas tree sap in several places in her carpet for months. It was beige pile carpet and the sap had picked up dirt and was hard and dark. I put some Sol-U-Mel on my fingertip and rubbed it into the spots. I did this repeatedly until the spots dissolved. Then I used Tough & Tender to clean up the residue. When I was done, the carpet looked and felt brand new.

Works on hard flooring too, even wood!

Speaking of tree sap did you know Sol-U-Mel will remove tree sap from saw blades?

A couple of drops of Sol-U-Mel in the water of our indoor water fountain keeps the water clean and also permeates and purifies the surrounding air.

Soot – Spray diluted Sol-U-Mel on soot and marks and wipe off w/clean, wet rag. Cleans up and disinfects flood damaged areas.

104.  Plants
We have a beautiful indoor plant called a Hoya that sits on a big oak bookcase. This summer it became a haven for miniscule aphids. We found sticky aphid “drippings” on the bookcase and on the books. A little Sol-U-Mel on a rag effectively removed the dried, sticky gunk, and we sprayed the plant itself with a dilution of it too. No more aphids and no more gunk.

I found another solution for crown rot. I bought a Fair Maiden Fern at a garden center. I had been looking for it so took a risk, and paid $8 for a small plant with browning on some leaves. I thought it was just from neglect by the nursery. When I planted it, I cut off the brown leaves, and it continued to do badly, with the brown returning and spreading. I use Sol-U-Mel all over my home for any kind of bacteria, virus, fungus, mold, etc. I dug up the plant and sprayed some of it, diluted, onto the roots and replanted it in a clean pot. (I don’t use bleach so that option was out.) All of the new growth is very healthy, and a bonus- since I cut off so many leaves it sent up new shoots.

105.  You can clean and disinfect kitchen tools with it.

106.  You can clean and disinfect garden tools with it.

107.  Get rid of gnats, fungus & all sorts of insects on indoor plants. Spray Sol-U-Mel (diluted) right on the plant. (5 parts water to one part Sol-U-Mel)

108.  Sol-U-Mel cleans up cosmetic spots like makeup, lipstick and hair coloring off of surfaces, fabric, etc.

109.  My daughter wrote all over her face with an ink pen, my wife put straight Sol-U-Mel on a soft cloth and it cleaned it up quickly without pain or damage to the face. Actually it helped her face because it was red from marking on it so hard.

Improve SEO -Google Friendly Site Basics

One of the most annoying things is spending lots of time writing  your own content about a subject you want to help other people with, and you just must try to Improve SEO  Search Engine Optimisation) to get ranked at all in the top 4 pages your topic covers, never mind get page 1 ranking !

First of all you need to let Google know you are a real person who is in control of a good informative website. The best (and easiest) way is to add yourself to the Google + network and then let Google know who has authority to post on your site.

Google Authorship

It is all about telling Google who the author on every post/page and who it is that created the content on your site. This is done by linking your content and your Google Plus profile together.

See Video-

Improve SEO Instruction Video

Improve SEO video

Setting up your authorship gives you many benefits that will result in more traffic. If you have targeted your keyword with a program like Jaxxy  will let you fight the good fight in your chosen search term topic. After all whats the point in targeting a term or keyword that has thousands or even millions of competitors. Pick your battles.

Verify your Site With Google Webmaster Tools

If you plan on ranking or even being indexed in Google’s search engine, it’s important that you verify your site with Google Webmaster tools  This will allow you to give Google details about your site, submit sitemap and much more, at the same time this will allow Google to communicate back with you, perhaps pointing out errors, bad backlinks etc.

This should result in better connection with Google and in turn more folks viewing your stuff!

Make your content as readable as possible with no long sentences and check your grammar.  All these count towards good ranking.

Don’t make your post too long either around 350 words is best. Clear Concise and to the point. Browsers have the attention span of goldfish.



Macbook Hard Drive Fail



If you bought a Macbook Retina or the the new Macbook Air’s you should be extra careful with your backup routine as you are in big danger of losing all your files if your Macbook Hard Drive Fails.

Macbook Hard Dr


Macbook Pro

ive Fails are becoming a regular occurrence.

The change to the slimmer SSD drive is a sign of the times!

Consumers want a laptop that is slimmer, faster, lighter and all this with less noise and less heat generation. To cater for these desires computers many high end laptops (including the Macbook Pro ) are being fitted with SSD drives.

Unlike previous internal hard drives the new thinner lighter SSD flash hard drives are almost impossible to recover data from if your Hard Drive goes kaput.

Though it seems that it is a rare occurrence, my experience shows that these new drives do fail!

With one such Macbook Hard drive fail on her 2 year old machine My daughter lost all her University final year drawings and course work when her hard drive failed.

And (ok, that was her fault) there was no back up!

Apple stores were not helpful apart from offering her a new hard drive under her Apple-care warranty. Obviously as the HD had a years worth of Uni work she wanted it back so I offered to buy the failed hard drive.( my idea was to try get data recovery folks to look at it)

I was told it would be £750 to buy the broken hard drive!

I thought OK I will get it looked at then take it back as broken.

The Apple store “help” assistant said I would not be able to return it as it had already been designated “broken”! Catch 22 right enough!

If you arent covered by Applecare then you may want to buy a replacement on Amazon which you can do for much cheaper – see here:

And then if you want to just do it yourself see this video tutorial

Be aware and back up regularly or use the on board Mac Time Machine to do it for you. That will work for you – unlike the geek squad at the Apple Store I visited.