Apple Iwatch Golf Apps

Apple Iwatch Golf Apps on the course
Apple Iwatch Golf Apps – When I first looked at the Apple Iwatch I was a bit sceptical, thinking of it as a gimmick Iphone add- on with an expensive step counter and a few other added features for the geeks.
But since my kids clubbed together and bought me one for Christmas.. well my Iwatch has massively grown on me, and once I discovered the Apple Iwatch Golf Apps I was hooked !
First off the app to ping my phone when I had misplaced it was super handy and then the exercise analysis app bullied me into shape. I forgot to take the watch off one night and it buzzed me at 3 in the morning to tell me to stand up. Oh and the Ebay app came in handy to keep up with my prospective golf club purchases and the text messages on my Iwatch without having to actually lift it out of my coat pocket was a handy feature.
Then the AHA moment came – Golf GPS – as a super keen golfer it was one of the things I looked in the iWatch Apps. I wasn’t expecting much to be honest but when I went to the iTunes App store and typed in golf -The Kid in a candy store feeling happened pretty quick.

Apple IWatch Golf Apps
In the App store there are quite a few free Apple Iwatch golf apps with GPS and Golf scoring apps plus a few golf Tuition analysis Apps available for free. (more later on these tuition apps)

Apple Iwatch Golf apps
This seemed perfect however when I briefly googled the watch to get an idea on which one to download and its value for golf, The reviews were olden basically nothing was setting the world on fire, plus battery life seemed like a big concern – so maybe the Apple Iwatch was not ready for golf or so it initially seemed until I ignored the reviews and actually tried out a few of the Apps.
I first downloaded PROTOS Caddy from the Apple App store (funnily golf apps for the Iwatch don’t even get a mention in the advertising blurb!)
Protos Caddy
This is the one I have used most. Its a free GPS system with most Worldwide golf courses on it. I play at Monifieth Scotland.
Monifieth has two courses and both come up when I use the “search nearby” function on my phone. There is an advert that pops up on the Iphone screen when you load up to look for courses, it selects these based on your GPS location. So you must have your location services activated.
Then its simply a case of ensuring your Iwatch is connected (paired) to your Iphone and then opening the Protus app on your Iwatch.
I have found the yardages to be pretty accurate and because of the ease of use I have even stopped using my Bushnell Laser! The I-watch is just so much simpler. I play off a low single figure handicap and find the Iwatch golf Apps accurate enough to let me trust the figures given. I have paced the yardages out on the green to from the yardage zero point, this allows me to keep a simple chart of the iWatch zero point and where it is on every green.
Then its just a case of estimating where the pin is in relation to the yardage given by the Iwatch – front back central. And then hit the ball!
The only thing I found frustrating with the Protos system was if you are moving around the course missing out holes or going back in the round to replay due to the course being busy, or as in my case where the course layout changed and the hole had to be manually sought out. The Iwatch only offers previous or next hole. This is a small inconvenience to be honest and as its a FREE Golf App not something to dwell on.
My opinion is that the IWatch golf apps feature is the best bit about having an iWatch !
Treat yourself to an Iwatch today you won’t regret it especially as the other devices Eg Bushnell Watches costwise are not much cheaper than the Iwatch Sport, and the Apple device offers so much more!
Whats your opinion? Tell me in comments below.

Iwatch Protus Caddy App