Toxins around the home are bad for you and can be solved easily !

Home / Toxins around the home are bad for you and can be solved easily !

Unfortunately we are surrounded by toxins everywhere.  They silently poison our lives and are contributing to a multitude of modern day illnesses. Fear not they can be avoided!

Dr. Brogan boarded in Psychiatry/Psychosomatic Medicine/Reproductive Psychiatry and Integrative Holistic Medicine says :

Basic lifestyle interventions can facilitate the body’s powerful self-healing mechanisms to end depression: dietary modifications (more healthy fats and less sugar, dairy, and gluten); dietary modifications (more healthy fats and less sugar, dairy, and gluten); natural supplements like B vitamins and probiotics that don’t require a prescription and can even be delivered through certain foods; minimizing exposures to biology-disrupting toxicants like fluoride in tap water, chemicals in common drugs like Tylenol and statins, and fragrances in cosmetics; harnessing the power of sufficient sleep and physical movement; and behavioral techniques aimed at promoting the relaxation response. I’ve seen people  transformed in a little as 30 days. Dare to be one of them! ”

Please take a few minutes to watch this short video.

If this is something that interests you get in touch using the email form under the video and I will help you detox your home by making some easy consumer choices. Money isn’t everything but this can be an income generator!  Get in touch

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