Are all sports drinks equal?

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sustain1 Without Electrolytes Your Body Simply Cannot Function

When you add a sachet of Sustain to a 500ml bottle of water you make  a drink that includes Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium  and simply combines into an innovative 4-in- 1 complex that transforms ordinary water into serious performance hydration.

When is Pure Water Not Enough?

Normally there is nothing better than plenty of pure, natural water to give your body the hydration it needs. But water isn’t always able, under some conditions, to properly hydrate your body.

Perspiration Drains You of Electrolytes!

An hour of intense exercise can cause you to lose over 2 litres of more than just water. As you perspire you lose electrolytes as well.

The first warning signs may be only sapped energy or a mild headache, but if you lose too much sodium and other electrolytes and fail to replace them, you could eventually suffer a total collapse of bodily functions.  You may have watched the Brownlee Brothers ….

Drinking water alone cannot replace the electrolytes. In fact, if you have been perspiring, drinking water without electrolytes is potentially dangerous.




Why Water Alone is Not Enough.

In 1965 a University assistant football coach wanted to find a way to help his team perform better in the summer heat, so he asked the school’s medical research department for advice. He learned that players were sweating out more than water on the football field.

Their bodies were being drained of electrolytes as well – essential ionic minerals that water alone cannot provide.

Given that information, a new kind of beverage – Gatorade® – was born.

Athletes all over the world immediately began using sports drinks that were infused with electrolytes. Several brands are now marketed (like Lucozade Sport).

But our scientists, working with experts in the field of hydration and electrolyte balance, learned that the standard brands are lacking in several ways. Most only provide 2 electrolyte minerals, but research revealed the need for much more.sustain4

The popular formulas are also loaded with excessive calories from processed sugars, and often lack key vitamins that both improve endurance during exercise and provide faster recovery after exercise.

With the help of extensive research and some very bright people, the ultimate sports drink, Sustain™ Sport, was developed.

With a more advanced formula than Gatorade®, but with less sugar and fewer calories, Sustain™ Sport quickly became one of Melaleuca’s most popular products.

Symptoms of dehydration:

• Headache, fatigue, and loss of energy begin with 2% loss of water

• At 5% loss, you are in danger of heat exhaustion.

• At 10%, you risk heat stroke, total collapse … and, perhaps more.

Why Do You Need Electrolytes?sustain7

You may not know it but neurological system runs on electricity. That’s right, you are an electrical being. Electrolytes – ions of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and others – generate electrical charges. From the firing of neurons in the brain to the coordination of muscles when you walk, your body runs on electricity.

Every movement and every message you make depends upon electrolytes – and when you run low on them, your body ceases to function properly.

Sodium is the electrolyte that makes your body salty – and if the blood’s sodium content is depleted by only 9%, you have entered a serious danger zone.

No marathon runner, for instance, has ever died from lack of water – yet many have suffered coma, seizures and even fatalities from low sodium, a condition known as hyponatremia.

Here is why:

Through sweat, urination and similar means, fluid is lost from the body, causing electrolytes to be flushed out with the liquid.

If water alone is used to re-hydrate, the body’s store of electrolytes is diluted even further – just as pouring fresh water into a glass of salt water causes the solution to become less salty.

Since electrolytes monitor the transportation of fluid in and out of cells, the process goes haywire: the lack of sodium allows too much water to be taken inside the cell walls, bringing about rapid cellular swelling.

For brain cells, especially, this can be a catastrophic event. Thankfully, most of us will never get so far off balance.

But fear of hyponatremia is why those who are suffering from dehydration are instructed by the doctor to be sure to drink fluids that contain electrolytes.

Therefore, Sustain™ Sport is a valuable addition to both the gym bag and the kitchen cabinet.sustain6

Whether dehydration is brought on by illness, exercise, or hard work, Sustain™ Sport helps to quickly return the internal balance of minerals and water back to a safe level.

Electrolytes aren’t all the body needs during strenuous activity, so Melaleuca’s scientists didn’t stop there.

Sustain™ Sport also contains:

• Antioxidants to help prevent sore muscles

• Vitamins to support cellular health

• Fructose-based carbohydrates for a steady supply of energy. Fructose gives honey its exquisite taste. That may be why the comment most heard about Sustain™ Sport is that it has just the right amount of sweetness.

It isn’t syrupy like the other brands. Melaleuca’s Sustain™ Sport also costs up to 35% less per serving than Gatorade®, and since it allows you to use your own container, rather than forcing you to use a new plastic bottle for every serving, the potential environmental impact is also substantial.

Compare the ingredients in Sustain™ Sport to the other major brands, factor in considerations about saving money and doing your part to help care for the environment, and you will witness a Melaleuca principle in action … exceptional products at reasonable price.

Push yourself, but protect yourself. Exert yourself, but energise yourself.

With 4 types of electrolytes, less sugar, fewer calories, and savings that affect both the wallet and the environment, Sustain™ Sport is not only the logical choice – it’s the one that works as hard as you do to make a difference that really counts.

Get the electrolytes you need use Sustain.


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